Paper bricks.pgm, or defaultpaper.pgm Scale: 3.0 Relief: 22.3 Brush arrow01.pgm, or crayon04.pgm (crayon03.pgm works too) ((can also use chalk01.pgm for a bit more abstract outlines)) Aspect Ratio: 0.00 Relief: 0.0 Orientation Directions: 30 Start angle: 45 Angle span: 360 Orientation: Adaptive Size Size variants: 1 Minimum Size: 14 Maximum Size: 14 Size depends on: Value Placement Evenly Distributed Centered: False Stroke Density: 50 (max) Color Center of Brush Color Noise: 0 General Background: Solid Color (Black) Paint Edges: True Tileable: False Drop Shadow: True Edge Darken: 0.11 Shadow Darken: 20.25 Shadow Depth: 20 Shadow Blur: 10 Deviation Threshold: 0.00 While I am certain all the above values are correct, there are 2 I am not. The brush.pgm and texture.pgm is unconfirmed, as I cannot export any filter preset to a file and the GUI doesn't refresh the brush to confirm what I used -_- The .pgm GUI display is a bug, don't blame me.